Autism and Alleluias

Autism and Alleluias

Publisher: Judson Press
Publication Year: 2010
Length: 144 pages

"Kathy Bolduc masterfully weaves together her stories of living life with her son Joel while holding the hand of her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The challenges, joys, and learning that have filled her life because of Joel's presence are artfully presented in a way that will inform and encourage the reader. I see this book not only as a valuable resource for family members living with autism, but a necessary part of our church libraries as we all learn to better understand and include our brothers and sisters in Christ." --Barbara J. Newman, CLC Network church consultant, and author of Autism and Your Church

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About the Book

Difficult behaviors, a myriad of specialists, problems with schools, special diets this developmental disability turns a family’s world upside-down. What is the role that faith plays in helping families cope? Is it possible to sing alleluia in the midst of a very real adversity? In this series of slice-of-life vignettes, God’s grace glimmers through the shadows as Joel, an intellectually challenged teen with autism, teaches those who love him that walking the labyrinth of life requires childlike faith, humility, trust, compassion, forgiveness, and an attitude of openness to all of God’s gifts.

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