Kathleen In the Media

Magazine Features

Transformation on the Trail

Chicken Soup for the Soul

“In every walk of nature, one receives far more than he seeks.”  ~ John Muir

Alpaca Angels

Alpacas Magazine 
Read about the developing relationship between two sisters who raise alpacas, and Safe Haven Farms, a community of choice for adults with autism.

Inclusion, Family Style

Exceptional Parenting Magazine

Four great tips for inclusion ministries to implement to show hospitality to families with disabilities

Podcast Interviews

Wonderfully Made Podcast: The Spiritual Art of Raising Children With Disabilities

by Cara Daily | Interview with Kathleen Bolduc: Spiritual director, author, and speaker on disability and spirituality.

Autism and Alleluias

Interfaith Voices, the nation's largest religion news magazine on PBS, recently interviewed Kathy about how her son's autism has impacted her Christian faith.

Find Other Writings Here

Key Ministry, special needs, autism, disability

Key Ministry promotes meaningful connection between churches and families of kids with disabilities for the purpose of making disciples of Jesus Christ.

Key Ministry, special needs, autism, disability

The special-needs parenting path can be a lonely one to walk. We want you to know you don’t have to walk it alone. We are a group of special-needs parents who are walking that path with you.

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