Life on the Spectrum: Faith. Hope. Love. Autism

No matter who we are or where we come from, autism has taken us on a common journey. Our faith has given us a common hope. We are different - black, white, male, female - but we all have children with autism. These are our stories: our struggles, our failures and triumphs, our parenting, our faith and a bit of everything in between.
Along the way we realized we are not alone. Our lives, though not the ones we imagined, have given us new purpose and meaning. Our children have something unique and beautiful to offer the world. And to us. From creating a new normal for the holidays to re-thinking sibling relationships, from asking "why?!" to how to cope moving forward, Life on the Spectrum faces the reality of living with and loving our autistic children from a perspective of faith. Each chapter begins with a Scripture that has become dear to us, shares our stories, exploring how God's truth can actually be lived out in the messiness of our lives on the spectrum, and ends with questions designed to help us reflect, rethink, and ultimately grow closer to Christ. Come on this journey with us. Be encouraged. You aren't alone either. Life on the Spectrum is a masterpiece! If you are feeling stressed out, stuck, or frustrated with the daily demands and difficulties of raising a child on the Autism Spectrum, this is a MUST READ! These stories are real and raw, written with unabashed honesty and unashamed human fragility. Every page offers a new, hope-filled perspective that will keep you moving forward. You will find refreshment…a renewed sense of peace and purpose as you care for those struggling with spectrum disorders. Each chapter ends with thought provoking questions, leading you to find God’s help and hope as you lean into His sovereign care. More than anything, you will feel understood because these folks have been exactly where you are today. COLLEEN SWINDOLL-THOMPSON Mother of an adult with autism and other disabling conditions Director of Reframing Ministries, Insight for Living
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