Glimmers of Grace
A Meditation on Curtains and the Spiritual Life
I have a “thing” about curtains. It borders on obsession. Even as a child, I often found myself studying the draped windows in my neighborhood. I especially loved the illuminated windows of cold winter evenings. Each house possessed its own distinct personality,...
The Very Best Christmas Gift of All
This year I received the very best Christmas gift of all on Christmas Eve. It was a gift that trumped, by far, those presents my twelve-year-old self believed so heavenly. This present didn’t come gift-wrapped in foil under a shining tree, but in a poorly lit store-front church.
This Place Called Cloudland
Cloudland sits on the highest point of Butler County, where the observant can watch the weather unfurl, great clouds roiling and black on the horizon, or the sun rising, a red rubber ball trailing ribbons of pink across the horizon. And on days like today, cloud shadows play tag across the fields.
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