Glimmers of Grace

Emmaus Eyes

I love Luke's Easter story, The Road to Emmaus. The story goes like this: On Sunday, the 3rd day after Jesus' crucifixion, the same day that He appeared to Mary Magdalene at the empty tomb, two disciples walk from Jerusalem to the village of Emmaus. It is a long walk...

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Autism Took Us On a Detour

Autism Took Us On a Detour

For World Autism Day, and Autism Awareness Month, I'm re-posting this meditation on autism and detours:  We ran into a host of orange barrels coming home from our third son’s birth. Our daily route, parenthood-by-the-book, ended. No detour sign in sight. No big, black...

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The Zeal of the Lord

The Zeal of the Lord

Christmas day has come and gone, but we are still within the liturgical year's twelve days of Christmas. I love these quiet days, past the busyness, to ponder the mystery of the incarnation! I open my Bible to these familiar words from Isaiah 9: The people who walked...

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Do Not Yield to Fear

Do Not Yield to Fear

Do not yield to your fear, Mary, for the Lord has found delight in you and has chosen to surprise you with a wonderful gift. (Luke 1:30, The Passion Translation) Do not yield to fear. Wind whispers winter, Guns thud in distance, Relationships teeter on brink, And yet…...

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Eden Lost and Found

Eden Lost and Found

Eyes wide open I meditate in kitchen garden, Eden spread out as visual feast. Spiritual eyes weep with what was lost… Joy in simply soaking up beauty of pulsing green growth punctuated by birdsong and riots of color… Ecstasy of sinking into love made visible to naked...

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O Jerusalem!

O Jerusalem!

My daily devotional opened to Psalm 122 this morning. Instantly, I was transported back to Jerusalem. Just three short weeks ago my husband and I, along with a group of 23 dear friends from Bridge for Peace, were walking her streets; walking in and out of her...

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A Pilgrimage that Leads to Home

A Pilgrimage that Leads to Home

We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time T.S. Eliot,  Four Quartets Sometimes you have to travel many miles before arriving home and finding yourself in the exact spot...

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An Autism Acrostic for Autism Awareness Month

An Autism Acrostic for Autism Awareness Month

In honor of my son, Joel, for Autism Awareness Month.  Accepted. Acknowledged, recognized, endorsed, believed in, affirmed.  This is the very beginning of the alphabet for parents of children with autism. We come to accept our children for who they are. We acknowledge...

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Sand Dollar

Sand Dollar

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Cor.12: 9-10 Buffeted by ocean tumult Crucified on timeless beach Buried by storm and sand Risen whole Exposed by tide Bleached by sun Carried home as talisman Lesson in...

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Living in the Light

Living in the Light

The following quote from Barbara Brown Taylor’s book, Gospel Medicine, grabbed me and wrestled me into a time of prayer this morning:  “…God (is) calling us to serve, certainly, but calling us first and last to stay as close as we know how to the one who has chosen...

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Roan Mountain Hymn of Praise

Roan Mountain Hymn of Praise

Mercurial and moody      Roan changes her mind minute by minute Sapphire skies to gilded clouds to purple robes to icy rain Then summons the wind, roars her praise The King comes! The King comes! Silver beech stand sentinel Sway in anticipation Poplars, tall and proud...

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